Sunday, November 20, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Zone Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Zone Diet: Diet Plans And Menus

The Zone Diet was created by Doctor Barry Sears. In this diet hormones play an important role in weight control. It works to maintain hormonal equilibrium between insulin and glucagons that both control the level of blood sugar. The diet also controls the equilibrium between good and bad eicosanoides, hormones with an impact on cardio-vascular illnesses. Because insulin production is stimulated by glucies and glucagons are stimulated by proteins you must control the balance between these two. Here are some of the diet principles.

In general you should consume three grams of proteins for four grams of glucides. A typical Zone diet meal contains 40% glucides, 30% proteins, and 30% lipids. Reduce the calories in your meals and put the accent on nutritional foods. You’ll need half a gram of protein per pound of body weight (not including fat) if you are sedentary and twice that amount if you engage in sports. In general a serving of proteins is 7 grams (that’s about a fourth of an ounce.) It’s better to get your proteins from meals rather than from snacks. Get your glucides from foods with a low glycemic index. Your fats should be monounsaturated, such as in olive oil and avocados. Enjoy an afternoon snack. Take food supplements. Exercise to increase your heart rate and do so moderately but for a long time. Examples include 6 hours of walking or 3 hours of running a week.

Read more about The Zone Diet including two Zone Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Zermati Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Zermati Diet:

The Zermati Diet was created by the French nutritionist Doctor Jean-Philippe Zermati. This is a non-restrictive weight management program that reduces your calorie intake, essentially by eating only in response to hunger signals. Here are some of the principles of this life-long weight-management program.

Write down your dietary habits in detail for a ten-day period. Analyze your detailed answers to questions such as What, when, and with whom am I eating?. Eat when you are hungry, and eat according to your hunger. As soon as you start to feel full, stop eating. Now take notes for a fifteen-day period on your eating habits. Eat slowly and don’t eat if you aren’t hungry. There are no forbidden foods. According to Zermati, it’s not what you eat but how much you eat that influences your weight. Forbidding a given food might lead to dieters gorging themselves on that food. This diet only works if you know when you are full so perform the following exercise to develop this valuable skill: Don’t eat breakfast for at least four days but replace it by eating cake until you feel full. If you are hungry eat more cake in the afternoon. Adjust your supper to meet your hunger level. Weigh yourself on the first day and the final day of this exercise. Theoretically you will not have gained weight.

Read more about The Zermati Diet including two Zermati Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Zen Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Zen Diet: Diet Plans And Menus

The Zen Diet was inspired by nutritional habits of the Japanese. Maybe they know something we don’t know, their life expectancy is one of the world’s highest. The meals are low-calorie and are mostly based on fish and soy products. Foods such as cold cuts, meat, and desserts should be avoided. Finish your meal with a piece of fruit. Here are some of the diet principles.

It’s important to choose the right fats. Don’t eat saturated fats such as those found in meat and dairy products because they oxidize rapidly. Reduce your consummation of omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids because they can lead to inflammatory illnesses. In their place you should eat omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Good sources of omega-3 include fish and some cold-pressed oils such as peanut, sesame, soy, linseed, and olive oil. Eat a lot of fish; it furnishes proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It also helps fight against high blood pressure, cholesterol, aging, and strokes. Reduce your meat consumption. Eat soy, whole-grain rice, and cereals. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. Good choices include sweet potatoes, Chinese cabbage, and Japanese pears. Don’t forget to consume algae, including nori, kombu, iziki, and wakame.

Read more about The Zen Diet including two Zen Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Weight Watchers Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Weight Watchers Diet:

The Weight Watchers Diet was founded in 1963 in the United States. This article describes the Flex option, which aims for a weekly weight loss of a pound (about 0.45 kilograms) with a daily intake of 1,000 to 1,800 calories. This diet relies on points attributed to foods as a function of their caloric, fat, and fiber content. Individuals have a certain number of points to “spend” depending on their height, weight, and sex. Here are some of the diet principles.

Choose your food according to the number of points. Women weighing under 154 pounds (70 kilograms) are allowed 18 points daily, while those weighing 220 pounds (100 kilograms) or more are allowed 26 points, as are men weighing 176 pounds (80 kilograms). Men weighing at least 242 pounds (110 kilograms) are allowed 34 points. Once you have reached your desired weight increase your points progressively to maintain this weight. Eat anything you like; there are no forbidden foods. Once a week go to Weight Watchers meetings and share your experiences with others on the plan. Eat at least five fruits and vegetables daily. Many fruits and vegetables have no points; you may eat as much of them as you wish. Practice a sport.

Read more about The Weight Watchers Diet including two Weight Watchers Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Volumetrics Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Volumetrics Diet:

The Volumetrics Diet was created by Barbara Rolls. The central aspect of this four-week weight loss plan is eating low energy density foods, in other words foods with a low calorie count for their volume, Dieters will eat as much as previously but lose weight. This means putting the accent on fiber-rich and protein-rich meals. Before starting this diet, set a reasonable objective for weight loss. Determine your daily energy needs and subtract 500 calories if you want to lose a pound (0.45 kilograms) a week, or subtract 1000 if you want to lose two pounds a week. Here are some of the diet principles.

Read labels and calculate a food’s energy density. To do so divide the number of calories by the number of grams. An energy density of 1.5 or less; for example 75 calories per 50 or more grams, is a good value to shoot for. Don’t eat much food whose energy density is between 1.5 and 4.0. Avoid foods whose energy density exceeds. 4.0. Eat foods containing a lot of water such as fruits and fresh vegetables; they tend to give you that full feeling. Reduce your consumption of fatty foods. Lipids should make up 20% to 30% of your daily calorie intake. Glucides should make up 45% to 55% of your daily calorie intake. This means eating a lot of fiber. Eat a lot of foods that are lean and rich in proteins. Each meal should contain some lean proteins for a total of 15% to 35% of your daily calorie intake. Avoid sugary soft drinks and juices. Drink water, coffee without sugar, and calorie-free drinks. The maximum daily alcohol consumption is a glass for women and two glasses for men. Eat protein-rich snacks. Five days a week do 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intensive physical exercise. The other two days do muscle-building exercises.

Read more about The Volumetrics Diet including two Volumetrics Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Turbo Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Turbo Diet:

The Turbo Diet lasts for a week. This extremely low-calorie regime promises a weight loss of up to 6.5 pounds (3 kilograms). Such results may not be all that surprising because you eat only 900 calories a day. You should always check with your doctor before starting any weight loss program. This advice is doubly important for this extremely low-calorie diet. Here are some of the diet principles.

Eat only three meals a day. Should you be hungry between meals, gnaw on sliced raw vegetables or eat a piece of fruit. Restricting yourself to three meals reduces your insulin level and directs your body to burn its fat reserves for energy. Drink as much as you want but don’t drink juice or soft drinks during meals. Eat protein-rich foods; they will give you a full feeling until the next meal. Don’t eat carbohydrates except for fruits, vegetables, and whole-wheat products. Eat a fiber-rich breakfast (check the documentation for suggestions.) Eat a hot lunch composed of lean meat or fish, vegetables, and spices. If you can’t cook your lunch, eat this meal for supper. Finish the meal with an energy-rich drink such as tomato juice with Tabasco sauce and Cayenne pepper. Eat a protein-rich supper that is low in carbohydrates. This meal helps your body make fat-burning hormones. Practice an endurance sport three times a week for 30 to 45 minutes.

Read more about The Turbo Diet including two Turbo Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Special K Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Special K Diet:

The Special K Diet is low in calories and rich in calcium and, you guessed it, cereal products. This fifteen-day diet, addressed to everyone who wants to lose weight, proposes two meals a day based on Special K products, a snack, and a balanced meal. Here are some of the diet principles.

Start the day with a bowl of Special K cereal accompanied by skim milk, orange juice, half a grapefruit, or another fruit. Eat a balanced meal composed of raw sliced vegetables, a serving of lean meat, fish, or two eggs, vegetables, a pat of butter, 40 grams (well over an ounce) of whole grain bread, fat-free dairy products, and a piece of fruit. Eat a Special K snack in the afternoon. Eat a Special K supper.

Read more about The Special K Diet including two Special K Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Soup Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Soup Diet:

The rigorous phase of the Soup Diet, also known as the Cabbage Soup Diet, lasts only seven days. During this period dieters rely on a homemade vegetable soup to lose weight, both by melting the fat away and by eliminating excess water from the body. After the initial phase, dieters undergo a seven-day stabilization phase. Here are some of the diet principles.

Eat as much of the fat burning soup as you want. Have some of this soup for breakfast, lunch, supper, and even the mid-morning snack. The recipe follows. For three liters (about three quarts of water) cook for about an hour the following cut-up vegetables: Three large onions, 1 or 2 cans of peeled tomatoes, a green cabbage, 2 eggplants, 2 bell peppers, 3 asparagus, 1 stalk of parsley, 3 bay leaves, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, curry, and other spices to taste.

Read more about The Soup Diet including two Soup Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Sonoma Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Sonoma Diet:

The Sonoma Diet, also called the California Diet, is inspired by the eating habits of people on the Mediterranean and in Sonoma County. Most of the time you’ll be eating vegetables and vegetable products. Sonoma County is wine country, and this diet suggests that you enjoy a glass of wine with your meals. The diet is divided into three phases.

The first phase lasts ten days. During this phase you will change your eating habits and go for more healthy nutrition, eat less, reduce your sugar dependence, and start physical exercise. No fruits, wine, or second helpings during this phase. In the second phase your choice of food is expanded. Fruits and wine are now allowed. The grapes in wine have an antioxidant effect, which is said to be good for the heart. Those who don’t want to drink wine may enjoy unfermented grapes. The third phase is the life-long maintenance phase. Continue to avoid foods such as fatty meat, fruit juice, potatoes, whole milk, hydrogenated fats, and refined cereals. You’ll need a book to master the extensive list of suggested foods and forbidden ones.

Read more about The Sonoma Diet including two Sonoma Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Slim-Fast Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Slim-Fast Diet:

The Slim-Fast Diet essentially relies on meal substitutes. It is addressed to people over 18 years old in good health, and neither pregnant nor breast-feeding who want to lose up to 30 pounds (13.5 kilograms). The suggested weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds a week. Once dieters have attained their objective they may maintain this new weight by substituting a meal replacement for a meal once a day. Here are some of the diet principles.

Breakfast is always a Slim-Fast meal replacement, either a shake or a meal bar. Either lunch or supper is a Slim-Fast meal replacement accompanied by a salad or vegetables. Your other meal is balanced including 120 grams of fish or 100 grams of meat; 125 milliliters (about 4 ounces) of brown rice, 250 milliliters of noodles, or a small potato; and vegetables. This meal contains about 500 calories. Drink a lot. Eat up to three nutritious snacks daily. A typical mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack may be a piece of fruit and a Slim-Fast Snack bar. Typical evening snacks are 500 milliliters of plain pop corn with 250 milliliters of skim milk, 125 milliliters of light cottage cheese with 4 crackers, or 175 milliliters of bran flakes with 250 milliliters of skim milk. Be active, the more you move around, the more calories you will burn.

Read more about The Slim-Fast Diet including two Slim-Fast Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The SLIM-data Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The SLIM-data Diet:

The SLIM-data Diet was created by Doctor Yann Rougier. It relies on three different indexes: the caloric index that indicates the energy provided by a given food, the enzymatic index that indicates how a food is digested, and the insulin index that indicates how the body stores the given food. With this three-phase diet, dieters start to lose weight after 10 to 15 days and may shed 1.5 to 3 pounds (0.7 to 1.3 kilograms) per ten-day period. Here are some of the SLIM-data Diet principles.

During Phase 1 place the accent on green-zone foods. These foods include green vegetables with some exceptions, fruits, nuts, bran, red beans, tofu, some dairy products, fish and shellfish with exceptions such as breaded fish, eggs, gelatine, tea, coffee, and infusions without sugar. Each meal should include 3 servings of green-zone foods or 2 such servings plus a serving of orange-zone foods listed below. During Phase 2 place the accent on orange-zone foods. These foods include some vegetables, fruits with a few exceptions, nuts, whole-grain rice, pasta, grains, some cheeses, breaded fish, some oils such as olive oil, frozen yogurt, sherbet, coffee without sugar, juices, and a glass of red wine. Each meal should include 2 servings of orange-zone foods and a serving of green-zone foods. Twice a week eat a serving of red-zone foods listed below, along with a green-zone and an orange-zone food.

Read more about The SLIM-data Diet including two SLIM-data Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Shelton Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Shelton Diet:

The Shelton Diet was created by Doctor Herbert Shelton. This is a strict vegetarian diet that does not allow eating fish, but does accept dairy products. Furthermore, dieters must not eat foods from more than one category during a given meal. For example, they may not eat eggs and yogurt at the same sitting. The low-calorie Shelton Diet lasts only seven days. Here are some of the diet principles.

Drink a lot of water, in particular spring water. Eat about 400 grams (14 ounces) of glucides daily. The diet divides fruits into different categories: acidic fruits such as pineapples, oranges, and tomatoes; semi-acidic fruits such as pears, apples, and grapes; and sweet fruits such as bananas, figs, and dates. Don’t mix fruits from different categories at the same meal. Eat 30 to 50 grams of protein a day. Eat 50 grams of lipids a day. Consume 25 grams of mineral foods a day. Chew your food extremely well. After a protein-rich meal you must wait four hours before eating starches or fruit. After a starchy meal you must wait four hours before eating proteins or fruits. After a fruit meal you must wait about two hours before eating proteins, starches, or vegetables. If you are allowed to eat a given food, you may eat as much as you want.

Read more about The Shelton Diet including two Shelton Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Shapiro Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Shapiro Diet:

The Shapiro Diet was created by Doctor Howard Shapiro in 1978. This diet is addressed to people who like to see things. It uses photos to compare the calories in different foods, helping dieters make the right choices. For example, there may be as many calories in a croissant, a banana, a quarter pineapple, two figs, or a quarter cantaloupe. This is a 2000-calorie a day diet whose length is indeterminate. Here are some of the diet principles.

Keep a log of what you eat, when you eat it, and the meal’s context such as who joined you at lunch. Use this log to analyze your food consumption on a weekly basis. Choose your portions according to the book’s visual presentation. Vegetables, fruits, sugar-free drinks, fish, soy foods, legumes, and grains are highly recommended. Limit your consumption of meat, poultry, and dairy products. Be as physically active as possible. Practice regularly a sport, preferably one that involves endurance.

Read more about The Shapiro Diet including two Shapiro Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Scarsdale Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Scarsdale Diet:

The Scarsdale Diet was created by Doctor Herman Tarnower. Its first phase lasts only two weeks but claims to help dieters lose up to 20 pounds (9 kilograms) during this short period. Don’t even think of stretching this very low-calorie diet for more than two weeks. Follow this super strict initial phase by a more flexible maintenance phase that also lasts two weeks. The Scarsdale Diet popularity may have received an unexpected boost when the doctor was murdered, allegedly by his long-time partner in March, 1980. I don’t remember the details but I don’t think that she was all that unhappy with the diet. Here are some of the diet principles.

During the initial phase follow the menus exactly. If you’re hungry you are allowed to gnaw on celery sticks, carrots, or other veggies. Drink as much coffee, tea, or sugarless carbonated drinks as you like but don’t touch a drop of alcohol. Don’t eat fatty foods. Steam your vegetables. Don’t eat if you’re not hungry. Weigh yourself every morning. During the maintenance phase you are allowed a small glass of wine or a beer daily. There is a long list of forbidden foods.

This review of The Scarsdale Diet including two Scarsdale Diet Plans and Menus continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Pritikin Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Pritikin Diet:

The Pritikin Diet was created in the 1970s by Nathan Pritikin, a heart disease survivor. This diet is low in fatty foods and high in complex glucides and fiber. The original book was on the New York Times bestseller list for a full year and sold millions of copies. Here are some of the diet principles.

Your food consumption should be from 5 to 10% foods rich in fats, from 10 to 15% foods rich in proteins, and from 75 to 80% foods rich in glucides. Put an accent on the following foods: fruits (from 1 to 3 daily), vegetables, legumes, cereals, dairy products with 0% butterfat, unsalted nuts and seeds, coffee and tea, lean meal, fish and seafood, and cooked egg whites. Try to eliminate fats and vegetable oils from your diet. Stay away from salted foods and those containing refined sugar. Stop eating cold cuts, dairy products containing butterfat, butter, potato chips, mayonnaise, egg yolks, and fried foods. Women are allowed 4 alcoholic drinks a week, men are allowed 7. Snack on vegetables, fruits, or low-salt crackers, Practice an endurance sport such as walking, running, and swimming. Other suggested sports include golf, bowling, and volleyball. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Read more about The Pritikin Diet including two Pritikin Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Portfolio Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Portfolio Diet:

The Portfolio Diet was created by Amanda Ursell, a British nutritionist. The major goal of this diet is lowering the level of bad cholesterol, while increasing the level of good cholesterol. This diet may be life long. Here are some of the diet principles.

Eat lots of fiber. Fiber helps you to lose weight by reducing your hunger and slowing the assimilation of fats. You should eat 20 to 25 grams of fiber daily (an ounce is a little more than 28 grams). The best sources of fiber are legumes, vegetables, fruits including dried fruits, and whole-grain cereals. Place an accent on the following anti-cholesterol foods: agar-agar, fruits and vegetables, legumes, oats, soy, pysllium, shell fish, crustaceans, fish (at least three times a week), white meat, linseed, margarine rich in sterols and stanols, olive and colza oil, barley, quinoa, yeast bread, cacao (one or two squares of chocolate per week), tea, and red wine. Eat some butter in the morning to reduce cholesterol production. Avoid hydrogenated oils, and reduce your consumption of red meat and dairy products. Practice a sport for 15 minutes a day. Examples are walking, swimming, running, and bicycling. Leg and abdominal exercises are also recommended.

Read more about The Portfolio Diet including two Portfolio Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Peltriaux Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Peltriaux Diet:

The Peltriaux Diet was created by Doctor Philippe Peltriaux. This is a two phase diet, which is low in calories and high in proteins. During the starter phase you eat only green vegetables and powdered protein packets. This initial phase lasts 12 to 20 days and you might lose about 11 pounds (5 kilograms). Don’t start this phase without consulting your doctor and don’t step on the scale. The second phase called realimentation is divided into three steps. This phase lasts between 15 days and several months. You may lose 15 pounds (about 7 kilograms) during the first month of this phase. Here are some of the diet principles.

Vegetables are the only permitted food in Phase 1. Eat as much as you wish of the following vegetables: fennel, celery, bell peppers, spinach, zucchini, radishes, cucumbers, endives, mushrooms, and green salad. Limit your consumption of the following vegetables to two servings a day: onions, leeks, asparagus, turnips, soy beans, pickles, Swiss chard, cabbage, artichokes, tomatoes, broccoli, and eggplant. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. It may be carbonated. You may also drink tea, coffee, and sugarless colas. Consult your doctor for the daily consumption of protein supplements diluted in water. Take vitamins. During Phase 2.1 you add one of the following to your daily diet: lean beef, veal, rabbit, poultry, and eggs, with a maximum of four eggs a week. Eat about 150 grams (5 ounces) of fruit including kiwis, apples, grapefruit, oranges, raspberries, or watermelon. Breakfast means cereal, whole-grain bread, butter, milk, and light dairy products. During Phase 2.2 no food is forbidden. Continue with the protein powder. Phase 2.3 is the stabilization phase. Your biggest meal is breakfast, and your supper is very light.

Read more about The Peltriaux Diet including two Peltriaux Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Pasta Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Pasta Diet:

The Pasta Diet centers around glucides that are mostly supplied by pasta. By following this diet you will eliminate fats and rapidly digested sugar from your plate and focus on proteins and slowly digested sugar. You may lose up to 3 kilograms (6.5 pounds) a week. Here are some of the diet principles.

Eat complex glucides and fruits for breakfast. For example, eat bread or cereal with fruit. Don’t add any sugar to your breakfast drink. For lunch eat a single dish with a piece of fruit or a dairy product. This dish may be pasta, soup, or salad. We are talking about a 300-calorie soup, or a 600-calorie pasta or salad. Don’t eat bread but you may have a glass of wine. Supper may consist of 30 to 40 grams (an ounce to an ounce and a third) of meat or 60 grams of a glucide-rich dish and a dairy product for supper. Consult documentation for further information describing these two meals as the rules are fairly complicated. Exercise to reduce the risk of regaining lost weight and to keep your body in shape. You should aim for three endurance sessions and three muscle-building sessions per week.

Read more about The Pasta Diet including two Pasta Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Paleolithic Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Paleolithic Diet: Diet Plans And Menus

The Paleolithic Diet is based on the nutritional habits of Homo Sapiens about 130 thousand years ago. In those days people lived from hunting, fishing, and gathering, and also agriculture and herding in the case of sedentary people. This two-phase diet is low in sugar, but rich in protein and fiber. The first phase is dedicated to weight loss; the second phase is dedicated to weight stabilization. Here are some of the diet principles.

Eat only authorized foods. In Phase 1 these elements include animal-based foods such as poultry, fish, seafood, and eggs; a long list vegetables and a few fruits; and some other foods including soy, dried fruit, and bran. In Phase 2 all fruits are permitted, as are rice cakes, and rice, which must be mixed with vegetables. Don’t eat more than 50 grams (under 2 ounces) of carrots and beets weekly. Eat lots of protein, as did the cavemen and cavewomen. The best protein sources are red meat without the fat, fish, poultry without the skin, eggs, tofu, and tempeh. You may consume meal-replacement drinks. Avoid sauces and mustard. Put an accent on fish, a fine source of omega-3, said to fight against cardio-vascular illnesses and aging. Other good sources of omega-3 include fish oil, and colza, walnut, and soy oil. Sharply reduce your sugar consummation. Consume less than 30 grams of glucides daily in Phase 1 and then between 30 and 55 grams daily in Phase 2. Eat 25 grams of nutritional fiber daily. Eat calcium; it’s found in dairy products, dried fruit, and sardines. Drink a minimum of 1.5 liters (about 6 glasses) of water daily outside of mealtime. In Phase 2 drink a maximum of 2 glasses of green tea, fruit juice, or wine daily. Limit your consumption of fats; don’t cook in oil.

Read more about The Paleolithic Diet including two Paleolithic Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Okinawa Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Okinawa Diet:

The Okinawa Diet was created by Makoto Suzuki, based on the nutritional habits of people living in the Ryukyu Islands including the city of Okinawa in southern Japan. In the past these people had the longest life expectancy in the world. This is a long term or life long diet. You will eat 300 calories a day less than your caloric expenditure. Stop eating before you are full. 78% of your nourishment comes from vegetable sources. Privileged foods include rice, soy, and fish. Eat as little dairy products as possible. Here are some of the diet principles.

Eat about 80% of the food you feel you need. Eat low-calorie foods; these are foods that may contain the highest level of micronutrients. Eat at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Eat seven servings of legumes and grains daily. Eat two servings of soy daily. Eat algae; they include numerous minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Eat fish three times a day. Limit your consumption of animal products, replacing them with vegetable proteins. Drink very little alcohol but drink a small amount of red wine regularly. Try to avoid sugar and salt such as in prepared foods. Drink a lot of water and tea.

Read more about The Okinawa Diet including two Okinawa Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Nautilus Plus Tandem Program

Diet Plans And Menus - The Nautilus Plus Tandem Program:

The Nautilus Plus Tandem program is more than just a diet. It combines physical training with healthy eating. For a period varying from 60 to 180 days dieters work with a personal trainer and a nutritionist in a Nautilus Plus center. You should check with your doctor before getting involved in an ambitious physical training program. The program has the following steps: an evaluation of your physical condition, personalized physical training sessions, supervised physical training sessions, a nutritional consultation, usually 30 minutes but sometimes 60 minutes, and a nutritional evaluation. You will keep a dietary log. Here are some of the program principles.

Determine your physical conditioning objectives with a personal trainer who will accompany you during the entire process. Together you will come up with your meals, snacks, and grocery list. Determine your weight loss objectives with a nutritionist who will accompany you during the entire process. Each diet is personalized. Drink about a quart (a liter) of water a day. Eat a minimum of 125 grams (about 4 ounces) of glucides daily to provide your body with enough energy for the physical activities. Put the accent on whole-grain products. Eat protein with every meal and snack. Suggested protein sources include meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. You should consume a gram of protein for each kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight.

Read more about The Nautilus Plus Tandem Program including two Nautilus Plus Tandem Program Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Montignac Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Montignac Diet:

The Montignac Diet was invented in the 1990s by Michel Montignac, a pharmaceutical industry executive. In addition to weight loss, this diet has the goal of improving your pancreatic health but to do so you must follow it for at least two months. The first phase is dedicated to losing weight and is followed until you reach your desired weight. The longer this phase lasts, the better off you will be. The second phase is devoted to stabilization and may last the rest of your life. Here are some of the diet principles.

During Phase 1 stop eating several foods. These include sugar, bread, glucides such as potatoes and processed rice, alcohol, and drinks other than fresh fruit juice, skim milk, and decaffeinated coffee. Eat as little fruit as possible and eat them only before breakfast or late at night. Add fiber to your breakfast. Eat a balanced lunch that includes vegetables, animal proteins, and cheese. Supper should be based on lipids and fibers. Start with vegetable soup. Try not to eat meat, but poultry is allowed. Eat a glucide-rich supper three times a week. During Phase 2 you are allowed to add certain items to your diet. Fruit mousse, chocolate mousse, and ice cream are acceptable as are red fruits. Don’t eat cake or pastry because they contain bad glucides. Red wine is allowed, but must be consumed after the entrée.

Read more about The Montignac Diet including two Montignac Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Mono Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Mono Diet:

As its name indicates, the Mono Diet means eating only a single food. Common varieties are the grape and the rice diet. The grape mono diet lasts for one to three weeks. The rice mono diet lasts three to ten days. These diets are said to allow your digestive system to rest and also help detoxify your organism. Please make sure to see a doctor before starting any version of this diet. Here are some of the diet principles.

Before starting the grape mono diet, get your body ready. Four days prior to switching to grapes eliminate meat, fish, and eggs from your diet. On the following day stop eating dairy products. The next day say goodbye to grains. Then cut vegetables out of your diet. Ideally eat organic grapes. Otherwise, soak the grapes in hot water to remove any toxic elements. Eat up to eight servings of grapes a day. Don’t mix grape varieties. Don’t eat more than seventeen pounds (eight kilograms) of grapes each day. If you select the rice mono diet eat white, organic rice that is unpolished or semi-polished. You may season the rice, for example with a small amount of Tamari. Each as much rice and drink as much water as you wish for three to ten days. There are no preparatory steps for the rice mono diet. Other varieties of the mono diet include the apple diet, the tomato diet, and the cucumber diet.

Read more about The Mono Diet including two Mono Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Minçavi Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Minçavi Diet:

The Minçavi Diet was invented in 1984 by Lyne Martineau. This diet was inspired by the Canadian Food Guide. It proposes five weight loss programs, varying from 1400 to 2000 calories daily. On your initial visit to a Minçavi center you will be assigned a program based on your sex, your age, your body mass index, and your level of physical activity. Your program may be adjusted in function of your weight loss. Here are some of the diet principles.

Put the accent on fruits and vegetables. Depending on your program, you will consume 4 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. But you are allowed to eat as many vegetables as you want. Dark green vegetables are considered the best. Eat 4 to 7 servings of good fats such as olive, canola, and walnut oil each day. Eat 3 to 7 servings of cereal products daily. Eat 90 to 150 grams (from 3 to 5 ounces) of protein daily including 2 to 4 servings of dairy products, and some meat or meat substitutes. Drink at least three glasses of soy beverages weekly. Eat fish, the best is fatty fish, at least twice a week. Keep a daily food consummation journal and bring it to meetings with professionals. Spend 30 to 60 minutes a day in athletic activities. Go to Minçavi meetings that are held once a week in some locations.

Read more about The Mincavi Diet including two Mincavi Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Miami Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Miami Diet:

The Miami Diet, also called the South Beach Diet, was created by Arthur Agatson, a cardiologist. It places an accent on consuming proteins, good glucides, and good lipids. During the two-week long initial phase you eliminate a large number of lipids and glucides from your food intake. Projected weight loss is 9 to 13 pounds (4 to 6 kilograms). During the second phase, you reintroduce some previously banned foods. The goal is to lose 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week until you reach your ideal weight. The third phase is a stabilization phase. Here are some of the diet principles.

During the first phase you eat according to your habits. You are allowed three meals and three snacks daily. If you want a snack, hold dessert after the meal. You are the judge of the appropriate portion size. This diet comes with a long list of favored and forbidden foods during the first phase. While most vegetables are allowed, fruits are forbidden during this phase. Bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and all alcohol are also out. In phase 2 all fruits are allowed as are bread, pasta, and rice provided that they are whole-grain. Dieters may enjoy one or two glasses of red wine daily with meals or just after the meal. Other alcoholic beverages and wine coolers are no-nos. In phase 3 you develop life-long eating habits. If you regain lost weight you may return to phase 1 for a week or two.

Read more about The Miami Diet including two Miami Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Mediterranean Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Mediterranean Diet:

The Mediterranean Diet is based on dietary habits of people living near the Mediterranean Sea. When following it, calculate your daily caloric needs and reduce this amount by 200 to 300 to determine your caloric intake, as explained shortly. You may also spend the equivalent number of additional calories doing additional exercise. To get this value multiply your weight in pounds by 52.8 (or multiply your weight in kilograms by 24). This is your base value. Divide this base value by 3 if you are physically inactive, by 2 if you are moderately active, and by 1 if you are physically active. The sum of these two values is your caloric needs. Here are some of the diet principles.

Eat grains, especially pasta. Recommended pasta comes from Italy and is made only from hard wheat and water. Increase your consummation of fruits and vegetables. They provide vitamins, fiber, minerals, and other nutritional elements. Add herbs to your dishes. Eat fruit for dessert. Eat fish; they supply multiple nutritional elements such as calcium and phosphorous. Fish from the sea such as herring contain iodine. Fatty fish such as salmon contain polyunsaturated fats that help fight against cardio-vascular illnesses. Cook with olive oil. The best is extravirgin, cold pressed. Olive oil contains the anti-oxidant vitamin E and mono-unsaturated fats. (Here’s the part I like best.) Accompany your meals with a glass of red wine. Limit yourself to a single glass per meal. Red wine is said to help the digestive system, the heart, and the fight against cancer.

This review of The Mediterranean Diet including two Mediterranean Diet Plans and Menus continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The McKeith Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The McKeith Diet:

The McKeith Diet was created by the London nutritionist, Gillian McKeith. The menus are rich in vegetables and vegetable proteins, including legumes. It lasts 28 days and dieters must follow the proposed menus to the letter. Here are some of the diet principles.

Keep a journal to analyze your nutritional behavior. For a week keep a detailed record of food names, weight, volume, time eaten, and how you feel. These notes cover all meals and snacks. Also note your hours of sleep and of physical activities. Get in the habit of reading food labels. Ask yourself questions such as: Am I eating five servings of vegetables daily? Then establish objectives. Become aware of your bad eating habits. Throw out harmful foods such as alcohol, cookies, salt, and white rice. McKeith’s list of negative foods is quite long. Don’t eat proteins with glucides or fruits for dessert. Drink eight glasses of water daily, but never at meals. Drink an infusion in the morning but no tea, milk, or coffee. Drink a glass of lukewarm water on rising and on retiring. Try to start meals with a soup. Accompany cooked foods with raw foods. All meals and snacks are strictly defined during the 28 days. Take food supplements. Practice a sport or exercise. For example, walk 20 minutes before each meal, and that includes breakfast. But don’t practice a sport if you are elderly or in poor physical condition.

Read more about The McKeith Diet including two McKeith Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Mayo Clinic Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Mayo Clinic Diet:

The Mayo Clinic Diet was created at the world famous Mayo Clinic. In this diet women eat a maximum of 1200-1600 calories a day depending on weight. Men eat a maximum of 1400-1800 calories a day. This diet defines its own nutritional pyramid divided into five alimentary groups. Dieters eat mostly fruits and vegetables. Their consumption of proteins, glucides, and fats is limited. Here are some of the diet principles.

First determine your daily calorie intake depending on sex and weight. This value is flexible, if you feel hungry you may increase it. Depending on the calories allowed, determine the number of servings of fatty foods, proteins, glucides, vegetables, and fruits. Serving size is quite closely defined. For example, a serving of fruit is about 60 calories, such as a small banana, a small apple, or 250 milliliters (about 7 ounces) of strawberries or grapes. Favor small red fruits or whole fruits such as apples and oranges. Sweets aren’t completely forbidden. You may obtain 75 calories a day from sweets, such as caramels. Keep a journal of what you eat. Practice a sport for thirty minutes daily. This helps your cardiovascular condition. The best is an endurance sport such as bicycling, dancing, or swimming.

Read more about The Mayo Clinic Diet including two Mayo Clinic Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Mangez! (Eat!) Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Mangez! (Eat!) Diet:

The Mangez! (Eat!) Diet was created by Guylaine Guevremont and Marie-Claude Lortie. It is based on listening to the dieter’s hunger signals. They propose a varied nutrition in which no food is forbidden. You eat what you want, when you want, stopping when you are no longer hungry. Here are some of the diet principles.

Eat according to your hunger signals. Don’t follow weight-loss diets. First of all, weight loss is usually limited to the short term. Furthermore, by depriving yourself of several foods you’ll become frustrated, a sentiment that will affect your dietary behavior. Eat everything. For example, you may eat French fries and then eat a light meal later on. If you don’t eat when you are hungry you may end up eating more subsequently. Eat breakfast at most an hour after rising. If you so feel, eat a nutritious snack in the morning, afternoon, or before retiring. Get in the habit of leaving some food on your plate at lunchtime and suppertime. Those extra few bites become excess baggage. Take up a physical activity, one that pleases you. Doing so is good for your health and will help you lose weight.

Read more about The Mangez! (Eat!) Diet including two Mangez! (Eat!) Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Lose Weight A Day At A Time Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Lose Weight A Day At A Time Diet:

The Lose Weight A Day At A Time Diet was created by Caroline Gosselin, holder of a doctorate in physiology-endocrinology. She feels that creating good daily habits will lead to losing weight. The best way to change progressively your food habits is to take into account hunger signals, physical activity, and pleasure. This means making time for yourself, relaxing, and eating some special dishes. Here are some of the diet principles.

This diet is directed to women only. From time to time add a new food. Keep a log of what you eat and your daily activities. Set realistic objectives. Put an accent on fruits, vegetables, and grains; they increase your metabolism and fill you. If you are no longer hungry don’t force yourself to finish your plate. Don’t count calories. Take the time to enjoy yourself. Drink water all day long. Practice a sport regularly. Follow the Canadian Food Guide. On a daily basis this means eating 5 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables; 2 to 3 servings of meat or meat substitutes including fish, eggs, or legumes; 5 to 12 servings of grains; and 2 to 4 portions of dairy products. This guide clearly defines what is meant by serving size, which differs from one food category to another.

Read more about The Lose Weight A Day At A Time Diet including two Lose Weight A Day At A Time Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Low Carb Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Low Carb Diet:

The Low Carb Diet has you burn calories by exercising. Program objectives include reinforcing your muscles and building your endurance. Eat according to your body’s needs. Your body requires water, fiber, proteins, essential fatty acids, natural glucides, and micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Because glucide abuse leads to weight gain, the Low Carb Diet proposes stringent limits. The strict version of the diet calls for 10 to 30 grams (about a third of an ounce to an ounce) daily. The moderate version calls for 30 to 50 grams daily. Here are some of the diet principles.

This diet lasts four weeks. Make sure to eat foods whose glycemic index is low, mostly fruits and vegetables. Increase your fiber consumption to 30 grams daily. Eat proteins, which enable your body to conserve its muscle mass as you lose weight. The more protein you eat, the less hungry you will be. Eat as much animal protein as vegetable protein but don’t eat meat every day. Don’t eat more than one egg a day. Use olive, walnut, or linseed oil instead of butter for cooking. Eat fatty fish twice a week. Enjoy two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables daily. It is suggested to consume a plate of raw vegetables, a glass of vegetable juice, and a portion of steamed vegetables every day. Practice an endurance sport such as walking, speed walking, bicycling, or swimming. It’s best to do so in the morning before breakfast.

Read more about The Low Carb Diet including two Low Carb Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Ornish Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Ornish Diet:

The Ornish Diet, also known as the Life Choice Diet, was created by Doctor Dean Ornish. He is widely known for his lifestyle-driven approach to the control of coronary artery disease (CAD). This is a vegetarian diet rich in fiber and complex glucides. It has a very low level of cholesterol. Fats represent at most 10% of the foods consumed. The changes in your eating habits are destined to last a lifetime. Here are some of the diet principles.

Place the accent on legumes, fruits, vegetables and grains. Eat the following in moderation: salt, low-fat dairy products, low-fat processed foods, and coffee without cream. Avoid the following: meat, poultry, fish, oils, dressings, sugar and sugar derivatives, alcohol, avocados, nuts, olives, and regular dairy products. Exercise regularly at a medium intensity level. Doing so may reduce your appetite and consequently help you lose weight. There is no restriction on serving size; eat until you are full. Adopt a more spiritual attitude. According to Doctor Ornish not consuming certain foods renders mealtime more spiritual. This diet also suggests meditation, which is said to have many positive effects.

Read more about The Life Choice Diet including two Life Choice Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Lemonade Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Lemonade Diet:

The Lemonade Diet, also known as the Master Cleanse Diet, is based on lemons which are said to have important digestive properties. You start this diet with a detox stage that lasts 24 hours. Make sure to do so on a light day because you may feel weak. Get up early and start this fateful day with a glass of lemonade at room temperature. By the way, the lemonade in the Lemonade Diet is made with a hand squeezed fresh lemon and includes a pinch of Cayenne pepper, filtered water, and two teaspoons of Maple Syrup. During this 24-hour detoxification period your meals are very precisely defined and usually include a glass of lemonade. You’ll even drink a glass two hours before going to sleep.

This diet makes you drink a lot; you start the day with a warm glass of, you guessed it, lemonade and then drink six to eight glasses of water. Vitamin C is a biggie, starting with day 2 you consume 5 portions of fruits and vegetables daily and season many dishes with squeezed fresh lemon. Lemon seasoning is said to reduce the body’s secretion of insulin which helps you lose weight. Reduce your sugar consumption and ban “light” products. Cut down on refined foods. Chew your food well and exercise.

This review of The Lemonade Diet including two Lemonade Diet Plans and Menus continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The L. A. Shape Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The L. A. Shape Diet: Diet Plans And Menus

The L.A. Shape Diet was created by Doctor David Heber. It is based on eating lots of fiber, fruits, and vegetables. You will evaluate your own need for proteins. You’ll drink a mixture of soy milk or skim milk with fruit, and nutritional powder including protein. Each of the diet’s two steps lasts seven days. In the first step the drink replaces two daily meals, and in the second step it replaces one daily meal. Here are some of the principles.

The L.A. Shape Diet is quite different for women and men. Dr. Heber recommends that women consume 100 grams (about 3 ounces) of protein a day as follows: 30 grams at breakfast and supper provided by the protein drink, 25 grams in the mid-afternoon snack, and the rest at dinner from fish or poultry. The recommendation for men is 150 grams of protein a day as follows: 35 grams at breakfast, 20 to 30 grams in the mid-afternoon snack, and 50 to 75 grams at supper. The morning and supper protein drinks are not the same. If you are hungry you can add protein powder to the drinks. You prepare the drink by mixing soy or skim milk, protein powder, fruit, and ice. Protein powder is available in different flavors. The diet includes a detailed list of snacks and food per day during each of the phases. During the second phase the menu differs for women and for men. Drink lots of water or green tea. Eat fruits and vegetables according to their colors. Fight against stress that often incites people to eat when they aren’t hungry. This diet places a lot of emphasis on physical activity.

Read more about The L. A. Shape Diet including two L. A. Shape Diet Plans and Menus on my website.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Rice Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Rice Diet:

The Rice Diet, also known as the Kempner Diet, was created by Doctor Walter Kempner in the struggle against cardio-vascular illnesses, diabetes, and an excessive level of cholesterol. Rice is a source of easily assimilated proteins. Dieters may lose about 15 to 26 pounds (7 to 12 kilograms) in 2 weeks in this 5-phase diet. Here are some of the diet principles.

During Phase 1 consume only rice, fruit, and drinks. Stick to this phase as long as possible. A serving of rice is three quarters of a cup of cooked rice. You may replace this with one and a half cups of puffed rice, two thirds of a cup of wheat cereal, or three quarters of a cup of cream of rice. All fruits except dates, avocados, and tomatoes may be eaten. Drink no calories beverages, tea, decaffeinated coffee, or water. Don’t use salt or spices but you may season with lemon juice. During Phase 2 you may add tomato sauce or tomato salad to your diet. During Phase 3 add fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables that contain no salt. Celery, spinach, and watercress are out because they contain a lot of sodium. Phase 4 allows proteins. You may eat 60 to 80 grams (about 2 to 3 ounces) of skinless chicken or turkey breast, 60 to 110 grams of lean fish, half a cup of dry raw legumes, or 110 to 170 grams of tofu. Start with a single serving of protein per week and slowly build up to a serving per day. Reintroduce starches, cereals, and eggs to your diet. There are specific recommendations for those who don’t have diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney problems. During Phase 5 you may eat other foods depending on your individual experience with the previous phases. In any case, limit your consumption of fat to a tablespoon per day and avoid calorie-rich foods as much as possible. Exercise, for example practice yoga, walk, bicycle, or swim.

Read more about The Rice Diet (The Kempner Diet) including two Rice Diet Meal Plans on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Jenny Craig Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Jenny Craig Diet:

The Jenny Craig Diet was invented in 1985. Today there are centers in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. Dieters work with a nutritional counselor who helps them determine personal weight loss objectives. In general they will eat smaller meals, which allows them to burn calories more efficiently. This diet is rich in fruits and vegetables. Here are some of the principles.

Start by meeting with your consultant who will identify with you your nutritional habits and your aptitude for losing weight. You’ll be weighed and measured, and will obtain a personal daily program containing detailed menus with calorie counts. You meet with your consultant privately once a week. During the first four weeks each meeting focuses on one subject including food, taking care of your body, and exercise. On the fifth week your program will be reevaluated if need be. Before actually starting the diet, you get used to the meals by introducing them slowly. Your consultant may show you healthy cooking techniques. Your meals contain mostly fruits, vegetables, light dairy products, whole grains, and healthy cooking oils. You may also eat lean meat, poultry, fish, green beans, eggs, and nuts. Avoid foods containing high levels of cholesterol or sodium, sugary supplements, and saturated fats. Many of the foods are prepared by Jenny Craig, Inc. Practice a sport as determined with the aid of your consultant. Take on a more active lifestyle.

Read more about The Jenny Craig Diet including two Jenny Craig Diet Meal Plans on my website.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Beverly Hills Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Beverly Hills Diet:

The Beverly Hills Diet is also known as the Hollywood Diet because of the number of movie stars who followed it. This diet lasts 4 to 6 weeks and may provide 400 calories a day. If that doesn’t set off danger signals, I don’t know what will. The first phase lasts three weeks. During the first week you only eat fruit and must absolutely respect the selected foods for the given day. This is a detoxification week. During the next two weeks you progressively reintegrate foods. The second phase lasts two weeks and leads to a balanced diet. The final phase lasts one week. You are even allowed pizza and popcorn but don’t overdo it. Here are some of the principles.

Respect the given menus, to the letter. During Phase 1 every day has its own specified food or fruits. For example, the very first day of the diet you are allowed pineapple and two bananas. On the third day of week three you eat zucchini in the morning, green beans and mushrooms at noon, and broccoli or cauliflower at supper. Phase 2 is also very well defined. For example, you start the day with two tablespoons of untreated bran and an unsweetened hot drink. Then wait 45 minutes for breakfast. You’ll need a book to get the full list of foods, day by day.

This review of The Beverly Hills Diet (The Hollywood Diet) including two Beverly Hills Diet Menus continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Fricker Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Fricker Diet:

The Fricker Diet, also called the High Speed Diet, was created by Doctor Harald Fricker. It is based on balanced food intake, rich in proteins and low in calories. For lunch and supper you may eat all the meat and vegetables that you wish. This is a three phase diet, in which the first two phases help you lose weight rapidly. The final phase stabilizes your weight. Here are some of the principles.

In the initial phase you increase your daily protein intake. You’ll eat a lot of vegetables and drink a lot of water. Don’t eliminate oil from your diet, and don’t eat a lot of glucides. Acceptable glucide-containing foods include fruits, vegetables, and yogurt. Both starchy and sugary foods are forbidden. Eat three meals a day. In the second phase eat all the vegetables you wish. Reintroduce certain starches such as whole grain or rye bread. Eat 100 to 150 grams (3 to 5 ounces) of starchy foods at lunch and at supper. Diminish your portions of meat, fish, or seafood to from 50 to 100 grams. During the final phase if you need to lose weight follow the principles of phase 2 but eat starchy foods only at every second meal. This Fricker diet suggests practicing an endurance sport for three hours a week (in 3 to 7 sessions).

This review of The High Speed Diet including two High Speed Diet Menus continues on my website.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Hay Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Hay Diet:

Unlike most of the diets discussed in this series of articles, the Hay Diet has been around for decades. It was initiated in 1904 by Doctor William Howard Hay. This diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and whole-grain cereals. The accent is placed on alkaline food rather than acidic food. Every day you should eat three types of meals: meals based on starchy foods such as rice and potatoes, alkaline meals based on foods such as fresh fruit and legumes, and protein-rich meals based on meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Here are some of the diet principles.Hay Diet was created by a group of seasoned nutritionists who placed the accent on health rather than body weight. They put four rules into practice: healthy nutrition, regular physical activity, relaxation, and self-esteem. This weight loss program is meant to last a lifetime. The proposed weight loss is in the range of half a pound to a pound (.2 kilograms to .6 kilograms) per week. Here are some of the program principles.

Raw foods provide energy, reduce your stress level, and improve your skin and hair. Eat at least as much raw food as cooked food. Don’t eat more than 5 fruits a day. Don’t mix starch and protein in the same meal as doing so is said to disturb your digestion. Don’t eat processed food. Reduce or eliminate sugar in your diet. Put an accent on proteins because they are said to help digestion. Don’t exclude oil such as olive oil or sunflower seed oil from your diet. Drink a lot, all day long, except with your meals.

This review of The Hay Diet including two Hay Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Harmony Health Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Harmony Health Diet:

The Harmony Health Diet was created by a group of seasoned nutritionists who placed the accent on health rather than body weight. They put four rules into practice: healthy nutrition, regular physical activity, relaxation, and self-esteem. This weight loss program is meant to last a lifetime. The proposed weight loss is in the range of half a pound to a pound (.2 kilograms to .6 kilograms) per week. Here are some of the program principles.

Lose weight gradually, according to your needs. Don’t place the bathroom scale in the center of your diet. Respect your body and listen to its hunger and fullness signals. Don’t count calories except to insure a minimum of 1200 per day. There are no forbidden foods. Keep a daily log of what you eat. Eat a maximum of 20% prepared foods. Get support from a nutritionist. Eat whatever you like but don’t exaggerate. Manage your stress through mediation, yoga, and other methods. Eat about three meals and two or three snacks a day. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Eat whole grains and foods containing omega-3. Make mealtime pleasurable. For some meals eat Harmony Health plates which consist of 50% vegetables, 25% bread, and 25% meat or meat substitutes. Eat organic, local products where possible. Practice a sport 30 to 60 minutes a day.

This review of The Harmony Health Diet including two Harmony Health Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Hallelujah Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Hallelujah Diet:

The Hallelujah Diet, also known as the Creator’s Diet, was initiated by George Malkmus, a former chemist who became a Baptist preacher. After surviving colon cancer Malkmus was convinced that he owed his life to spiritual food. The diet is directed at adults in good health. Unlike many others, there is no stated time limit for this diet. Its objectives are two fold: weight loss and coming closer to God by eating divine food.

The Hallelujah Diet includes an optional transition phase for people who feel that their bodies need time to adapt to the new regime and effectively detoxify their systems. This diet excludes all foods of animal origin with one single exception, honey. The only foods allowed are fruits, legumes, and some nuts and grains. Furthermore, a full 85% of your food must be raw, which, in the eyes of this diet, is food as it was created by God. Cooked foods may include coffee (is that a food?), infusions, organic juices, soups, cereals, beans, and fruit.

This review of The Hallelujah Diet including two Diet Menu Plans continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Grapefruit Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Grapefruit Diet: The Grapefruit Diet is a very low calorie diet destined to those people who want to lose weight fast, perhaps 10 pounds (about 4.5 kilograms) in 12 days. Don’t even think of going on this diet if you have health or nutritional problems or are pregnant or breast feeding. This 1000-calories-a-day diet was popular with Hollywood stars of the 1930s. Here are some of the diet principles.

Eat three meals and a snack daily. All of the meals star grapefruit, either pure or as juice form but always without any sugar. You may be happy to know that the snacks do not include grapefruit in any form. Eliminate complex glucides from your diet. This means that rice, wheat, legumes, nuts, grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green peas and corn are all out. In addition to grapefruit eat eggs, fruits, green, yellow, and red vegetables, fish, and meat. Drink a lot of liquids including water, grapefruit juice, tomato juice, skim milk, or tea or coffee without sugar.

This review of The Grapefruit Diet including two Grapefruit Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Glycemic Index Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Glycemic Index Diet:

The Glycemic Index Diet, also known as the G I Diet, was created by Rick Gallop. The glycemic index is a measure of blood sugar level. During digestion glucides are transformed into glucose. Reducing the GI level helps you lose weight. Low-GI foods such as dried apricots, dark chocolate, fruit, whole-grain rice, and cheese have a GI less than 55. High GI foods such as French fries, white rice, and watermelon have a GI greater than 70 and should be avoided. This diet has two phases. The first phase lasts between 15 days and a month. The second phase may last a lifetime. Here are some of the principles.

Eat foods with a low GI. During the initial phase every week eat 4 to 5 portions of fish without sauce, one or two portions of meat also without sauce, one or two eggs, and one or two portions of ham. Eat all the vegetables and legumes and drink all the water and green tea that you want. Accompany your main meal with three fruits daily. During phase 2 continue these habits but add one or two portions of daily products (preferably light) and one or two chocolate squares daily. Add whole-grain cereals and breads, and basmati rice in moderation. Accompany the grains and rice with green vegetables. The following principles apply to both phases. Use colza, olive, and walnut oils. Drink only water, tea without sugar, or a maximum of two glasses of red wine daily. Eat three meals and up to two snacks a day but don’t graze. Keep mealtime stress free. Walk an hour a day and exercise three more hours a week.

This review of The Glycemic Index Diet along with two Glycemic Index Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Gesta Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Gesta Diet:

The Gesta Diet was created by Madeleine Gesta, a dietician. Its first phase lasts ten days, followed by a stabilization phase that also lasts ten days. During the initial phase your organism cleanses itself of toxins. Each day you’ll eat 4 portions of glucides, 2 portions of protein foods, and 1 portion of lipids. The rules are quite complicated, they change from day to day and you have to pay strict attention to your watch.

Start day one and day eight by drinking two glasses of water before leaving the bed. It is felt that the prone position helps eliminate fats. For breakfast drink a bowl of hot chocolate made with skim milk and pure, unsweetened cocoa. Eat an orange or a grapefruit during the morning, or 15 minutes before your hot chocolate. Lunch is well defined; there is even a list of acceptable vegetables that accompany the fish or meat whose portions are also specified. Two hours after lunch eat a yogurt with a teaspoon of honey. At four in the afternoon drink a non-alcoholic mixture of water and honey. At seven o’clock drink three small bowls of vegetable bouillon. Twenty minutes later eat three little bowls of the vegetables used in making the bouillon. Eat another yogurt with a teaspoon of honey before going to bed.

This review of The Gesta Diet including two Gesta Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Genotype Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Genotype Diet:

The Genotype Diet was created by Peter J. d’Adamo. It centers on the interaction between genes and the environment. According to d’Adamo food may be used to change your genes’ behavior. He classifies people into six genotypes: hunters, gatherers, teachers, explorers, warriors, and nomads. The hunter’s diet is carnivorous and low in lectins and glutens. The gatherer’s diet is low in glucides and protein-rich. The teacher’s diet is rich in phytonutrients. The explorer’s diet is quite varied. The warrior’s diet is rich in glucides and phytonutrients, and the nomad’s diet is omnivorous but low in lectins and glutens. Here are some of the principles.

The first thing to do is determine your genotype. Doing so requires two calculations that depend on the relative size of your bust and your legs, as well as that of your index finger and your ring finger. The rules are too complicated and long to restate here. Once you know your genotype access the appropriate lists of recommended foods, foods to avoid, and portion size. Once again, these lists are long. Under the advice of your doctor take supplements. Practice sports, the most appropriate sports depend on your genotype.

This review of The Genotype Diet including two Genotype Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Fricker Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Fricker Diet:

The Fricker Diet, also called the High Speed Diet, was created by Doctor Harald Fricker. It is based on balanced food intake, rich in proteins and low in calories. For lunch and supper you may eat all the meat and vegetables that you wish. This is a three phase diet, in which the first two phases help you lose weight rapidly. The final phase stabilizes your weight. Here are some of the principles.

In the initial phase you increase your daily protein intake. You’ll eat a lot of vegetables and drink a lot of water. Don’t eliminate oil from your diet, and don’t eat a lot of glucides. Acceptable glucide-containing foods include fruits, vegetables, and yogurt. Both starchy and sugary foods are forbidden. Eat three meals a day. In the second phase eat all the vegetables you wish. Reintroduce certain starches such as whole grain or rye bread. Eat 100 to 150 grams (3 to 5 ounces) of starchy foods at lunch and at supper. Diminish your portions of meat, fish, or seafood to from 50 to 100 grams. During the final phase if you need to lose weight follow the principles of phase 2 but eat starchy foods only at every second meal. This Fricker diet suggests practicing an endurance sport for three hours a week (in 3 to 7 sessions).

This review of The Fricker Diet including two Fricker Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Forking Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Forking Diet:

The Forking Diet is really quite simple; for supper eat only those foods that you can eat with a fork. There are no restrictions on your other meals. The Forking Diet comes in two versions, the strict and the soft. The strict version lets you lose weight more rapidly. It bans any dish whose preparation requires a knife. The second version goes for permanent weight loss. For supper you may eat foods that were prepared with a knife, but set the tables without a knife or a spoon. According to Forking Diet partisans eating with a fork means eating smaller amounts or food and more or less foregoing those calorie-rich sauces. Here are some of the principles.

Don’t cheat by using your teeth to cut food that you would normally cut with a knife, such as steak. The strict version of this diet allows vegetables, grains, legumes, fish, and prepared foods. The soft version adds salads, pieces of white meat, shelled crustaceans, raw beef, and eggs to the list of acceptable foods. For supper, eliminate soup, bread, cheese, and dessert. Eat normally the rest of the day. Eat what you want but make sure to include dairy products and fruits for a balanced diet. Eat five portions of fruits or vegetables daily. Make sure to have lots of vegetables for supper.

This review of The Forking Diet including two Forking Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Fit For Life Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Fit For Life Diet:

The Fit For Life Diet was created by Doctor Harvey Diamond and is based on the principles of natural hygiene. About half of your food intake comes from raw fruits and vegetables. The theory is that raw foods contain unaltered enzymes, which are destroyed by heat during cooking. Giving a place of privilege to raw foods provides your body with extra energy from proteins and carbohydrates. Here are some of the principles.

Eat at least as much raw food as cooked food. Eat a lot of fruit. According to Doctor Diamond fruits are the most indispensable part of our diet. They contain fiber, are rich in glucides or fructose, and provide energy. Furthermore, they constitute the only foodstuffs that need not be digested by the stomach. Eat only fruit (or drink freshly prepared fruit juice) for breakfast. They help the body eliminate waste, a morning activity. Don’t eat too much. Give your body enough time to digest food. For example, wait half an hour after eating fruit, 90 minutes after salad, and three hours after cooked food. Drink your fruit juice slowly and don’t eat anything after seven o’clock, anything except fruit. It’s better not to drink coffee but if you must, eat a piece of fruit 15 minutes before your coffee. Don’t mix starches and protein in the same meal. One day a week eat only raw food. Reduce your consumption of dairy products.

This review of The Fit For Life Diet including two Fit For Life Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Fat Burning Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Fat Burning Diet:

The Fat Burning Diet was created by Claire Pinson. For 20 days you eat mostly vegetables and meat and lose between 11 and 22 pounds (5 to 10 kilograms) and increase your muscle mass. This diet consists of two phases. In the attack phase you eat foods that burn fat, foods that trap fats, and foods low in calories but high in proteins. During this phase no starch is allowed. Foods that burn fats may also reduce the level of bad cholesterol. These foods include bell peppers, celery, cabbage, parsley, and eggplant. Foods that trap fats help your body eliminate them before they are assimilated into the body. Such fiber rich foods include almonds, prunes, split peas, soy, wheat bran, whole grain bread, strawberries, and broccoli. It is said that you should eat daily a gram of protein for each kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight. Low-calorie foods rich in calories include lean meat, fish, soy, and egg whites.

During the stabilization phase you should consume foods that lower the level of bad cholesterol, which helps to reduce the rate of cardio-vascular incidents. These foods include olive oil, dry beans, garlic, carrots, and oatmeal. It is important to build your muscles and practice a sport involving endurance such as walking, swimming, or dancing. Take conjugated linoleic acid supplements, which as antioxidants may help fight against cancer, bad cholesterol, and diabetes. Drink a lot of green tea.

This review of The Fat Burning Diet including two Fat Burning Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Eat Your Colors Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Eat Your Colors Diet:

The Eat Your Colors Diet was created by Marcia Zimmerman, nutritionist. It is associated with Ayurvedic medicine, a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent whose components include herbs, massage, and yoga. As you may guess from its name, food colors play a major role in this diet. The accent is placed on yellow, red, and green foods.

According to Ayurvedic medicine and this diet, individuals belong to one of three groups, Vata (yellow), Pitta (red), and Kapha (green). Each group is associated with a distinct body type and personality type. For example, Kaphas don’t talk a lot and tend to store excess weight on their butt. Each group has a different list of foods to privilege and foods to avoid. For example, Vatas are expected to avoid caffeine and excessive alcohol while Pittas are expected to avoid lamb, duck, and several other foods. The list of foods to privilege is quite complicated; it is broken down into colors and varies from group to group. Obviously, if you are going to follow this diet you have to determine which is your group and then learn a long list of dos and donts.

This review of the Eat Your Colors Diet including two Eat Your Colors Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Dukan Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Dukan Diet:

The Dukan Diet, also known as the Protal Diet, was created by the French medical Doctor Pierre Dukan. This is a four-step diet based on natural proteins. The first phase involves a drastic change in nutrition. You’ll eat few calories and will start to lose weight fast. During the second phase you will alternate between pure proteins and a combination of proteins and vegetables. The third phase consolidates your successes. You follow the fourth phase the rest of your life. Here are some of the diet principles.

Phase 1 is one of pure proteins. Eat as much as you want of the following categories: (with some exceptions, you’ll have to get a book to follow this diet) organ meats, lean meat, skinless poultry, ham and cold cuts, eggs, fish, sea food, and low-fat dairy products. In addition eat only sugar soft drinks, coffee, tea, infusions, vinegar, pickles, chewing gum, and mustard. Drink six glasses of liquids a day. This phase usually lasts five days. During Phase 2 alternate between five days of pure proteins and five days combining proteins and vegetables. There is a long list of permitted vegetables that may be eaten raw or cooked. Use spices, fat-free yogurt, vinegar, or mustard on your vegetables but stay away from oil. Start Phase 3 when you have reached your desired weight. This phase lasts 10 days for each kilogram (2.2 pounds) of weight lost. Continue alternating as in Phase 2 but add a serving of fruit daily. Stay away from grapes, bananas, cherries, and dried fruits. Eat two slices of whole-grain bread daily. Eat 40 grams of cooked rind cheese such as Gouda daily. Eat two portions of starchy food a week. Once or twice a week eat boiled ham, leg of lamb, or roast pork. You may celebrate by eating anything you want with a glass of wine twice a week, but not the same day. And no seconds are allowed. Once a week eat a pure protein meal as in Phase 1. Phase 4 is the final stabilization phase. Once a week eat a pure protein meal. Eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran daily.

This review of The Dukan Diet including two Dukan Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Doctor Phil Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Doctor Phil Diet:

The Doctor Phil Diet was created by none other than Phil McGraw. He proposes a seven-step program, each step to be followed for a long time. This is an approach based on cognition and behavior. He recommends taking food supplements, in particular calcium, and vitamins C and E. Here are some of the principles.

Be positive. A positive attitude and self-mastery are important for weight control. Believe in yourself. Control your stress and you will control your weight. Place yourself in a good environment. Stay away from fast foods. Clean your cupboards and throw out dangerous food. Make a list and use it when you shop. Replace your bad habits by activities such as reading or sports. Eat slowly without looking at the TV and take small mouthfuls. Eat only foods with high energy content; these are usually natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, eggs, fish, lean meat, brown rice, and light dairy products. The diet clearly defines the number of daily portions of foods and food categories. For example, eat three portions of protein foods and four portions of vegetables. Tell people close to you that you are dieting and enlist their support. Dr. Phil even suggests that you distance yourself from those who won’t support you.

This review of the Dr Phil Diet including two Dr Phil Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Doctor Cohen Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Doctor Cohen Diet:

The Doctor Cohen Diet was created by Jean-Michel Cohen, a French medical nutritionist. Actually it comes in two versions, the fast diet that allows 900 calories a day and the comfort version that allows 1400 calories a day. With the rapid version you may lose 6.5 to 9 pounds (3 or 4 kilograms) every two weeks. With the comfort version you may lose 9 to 11 pounds (4 to 5 kilograms) per month. Don’t follow the rapid version for a period of several months. Here are some of the principles.

There are no forbidden foods. Manage your diet yourself, for instance eat according to your hunger. Combine fiber, protein, and sugar containing foods with on your plate. Vary your food, including fruits and vegetables. Stay away from sugary and alcoholic drinks. Yogurt should always be sugarless and fat free. Eat lean meat and your choice of fish or seafood. Try to replace cheese with eggs or yogurt. Don’t eat too many eggs, and egg whites are better than egg yolks. Make sure to enjoy lots of soup; this is one way to consume more vegetables. Many people will like the principle that suggests not feeling guilty should you stray once in a while.

This review of the Doctor Cohen Diet including two Doctor Cohen Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Detox-Slimming Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Detox-Slimming Diet:

The Detox-Slimming Diet was created to eliminate toxins from your body. It consists of a ten-day detox phase, a stabilization phase that lasts from one to eight weeks, and life-long habits to acquire. The first day you get your body used to eating only fruits, vegetables, and grains. The second and third days you eat only one kind of fruit, but as much as you want. You will have to learn the rules that vary from day to day during the initial phase.

Your diet should include organic fruits and vegetables, fatty fish (three times a week), fiber-rich foods, dried fruit, and oils such as olive or walnut oil. Drink lots of water. Avoid foods rich in saturated fats or sugars, white bread, carbonated drinks, prepared foods, meat, and diary products. Eat at least balanced three meals a day. Reduce stress to reduce toxins. Exercise, for example, walk, run, bicycle, swim, or use cardio-vascular equipment. If you feel tired wait a week before restarting.

This review of the Detox-Slimming Diet including two Detox-Slimming Diet Meal Plans continues on my website.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Dissociated Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Dissociated Diet:

The Dissociated Diet is based on the theory of equilibrium between acids and bases. It works according to the laws of digestion. The idea is not to eat the three major food groups at the same time, as this is said to wreak havoc on the digestive system. These three groups are glucides, proteins, and neutral foods. Here are some of the principles.

Eat a breakfast rich in glucides and in proteins or one that is rich in fruit. If you have fruit for breakfast, that’s all you’ll have. For lunch have a protein dish, such as meat, ripe cheese, soy products, fish or seafood, berries, citrus fruits, or fruit juice, and eggs. Accompany your choice with vegetables and salad. Or you could select a neutral food such as vegetables, milk, whole milk products, ripened cheese with over 45% butterfat, raw and smoked meat or fish, and vegetable or animal oils such as mayonnaise or butter. For supper eat either a glucide-rich dish or a neutral dish. Eat snacks. The mid-morning snack may come from any of the three groups. The mid-afternoon snack may be rich in glucides or in neutral elements but should not be based on proteins. Drink a lot, about 2.5 liters or quarts. And practice a sport such as bicycling or walking. Start slowly but do it on a regular basis.

Check out my website for an extended review of the Dissociated Diet and two Dissociated Diet Meal Plans.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet:

The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet was created by Doctors Richard and Rachel Heller. As its name may suggest, an objective of this diet is reducing dieters’ dependence on carbohydrates, or in less technical terms, sugars. The body transforms carbohydrates into glycogens and converts the excess into fatty tissue. After a meal containing carbohydrates the blood sugar level increases and insulin acts to bring it down, making the individual feel hungry. By diminishing insulin secretion and so absorbing less carbohydrates the body burns more fat. This diet has two phases, a base phase and a stabilization phase. The first phase lasts 14 days but may be extended for additional weight loss. The second phase also tries to lower your insulin level. It lets you adapt to your new lifestyle. Here are some of the principles.

Phase 1. Reward yourself with a special meal once a day. This meal may be breakfast, lunch, or supper. It’s a large green salad and a plate divided into three equal parts: protein-rich food such as meat, poultry, fish, cheese, or tofu; vegetables (starchy vegetables such as potatoes are excluded); and carbohydrate-rich food such as potato chips, cookies, fruit or fruit juice, and sweets. Finish your meal in less than an hour. Your other meals should contain half protein-rich foods and half fiber-rich vegetables. Weigh yourself once a day. Phase 2 continues phase 1 and add one of several options that include physical activity, glutamate reduction, stress control, caffeine reduction and others. The list is long and fairly complicated.

An extended review of the Carbohydate Addicts Diet and two Carbohydrate Addicts Diet Meal Plans appear on my website.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Delabos Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Delabos Diet: The Delabos Diet was invented by doctor Alain Delabos in 1986. It is based on the chrononutrition principle; foods must be eaten at the right time of day according to a biological clock. Eat fatty foods in the morning, heavy foods at noon, sweet foods in the afternoon, and nothing or very little in the evening. Eat breakfast in the first hour after getting up, wait five hours for lunch, and another five hours before eating a sweet snack. Wait at least 90 minutes after your snack before eating supper. If you aren’t hungry skip supper. And don’t eat for at least 90 minutes before going to sleep.

It is important to eat the right foods at the right time. Breakfast means bread, cheese, butter, and sometimes bacon and eggs. For lunch eat meat or fish, and perhaps starchy foods and green vegetables. Eat fruits or fruity foods and vegetable oils such as peanuts, avocado with dressing, or olives at snack time. For supper you may eat green vegetables, fish, seafood, or white meat in small quantities. The Delabos Diet very clearly defines portion size based on your height. You’ll need to consult the documentation to know exactly what to eat. For example, dieters eat 1 to 4 eggs. Two meals a week are completely unrestricted.

Visit my website for extended review of the Delabos Diet and two Delabos Diet Meal Plans.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Cretan Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Cretan Diet: The Cretan Diet is inspired by the menu of Crete, one lovely Greek isle. It is based on a regime rich in vegetables, fruits, grains, olive oil, some dairy products, fish, and seafood. Foods rich in saturated fats such as red meat, cold cuts, sunflower seed oil, and butter and rapidly digested sugars such as pastries, ice cream, and carbonated drinks should be avoided as much as possible.

Cretan dieters eat a lot of unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids that are thought to help prevent cardio-vascular incidents. It is recommended to eat fish two or three times a week. Wine has several positive properties such as reducing infection and being an antioxidant. So dieters are encouraged to drink a small glass of red wine with meals. Wine is recommended, it is not mandatory. They should get 25 to 30% of their calories from lipids, 55% from glucides, and 15% from proteins.

An extended review of The Cretan Diet and two Cretan Diet Meal Plans appear on our website.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Creole Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Creole Diet:

The Creole Diet, based on Creole cuisine, was created by Marie-Antoinette Séjean-Ortolé. It proposes balanced, protein-rich menus during three phases. During the initial phase that lasts ten days eat at least three meals a day, drink a lot, undergo three shock days in which you eat 300 grams (about 10 ounces) of meat or fish, 300 grams of white cheese containing from 0% to 20% butterfat or two yogurts with a small quantity of light cheese, as much green salad as you wish, and three bowls of green soup or 300 grams of green vegetables. Spread this food over the whole day. Cook your food without any grease or oil, but you may season your salad with a light dressing. Days 1, 5, and 8 are the special days. The menus for the remaining days are very well defined.

Phase 2 lasts for 20 days. The shock days are days 1, 8, and 15. On these days add 150 to 200 grams (about 5 to 7 ounces) of soy bean sprouts to the previous choc day menus. And replace the 300 grams of meat or fish with 300 grams of fish broth. Once again, the menus for the other days are very well defined. At the end of phase 2 make sure to practice a sport such as speed walking, swimming, or bicycling. Exercise at your rhythm for 40 minutes, three times a week. Phase 3 is stabilization. You are now allowed one or two glasses of wine with meals.

This review including two Creole Diet Meal Plans appears on my website.

Diet Plans And Menus - The Blood Type O Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Blood Type O Diet:

The Blood Type O Diet is one of a group of diets that depend on the individual’s blood type. These 4 diets are all said to promote weight loss, eliminate toxins and fat from the organism, fight against some illnesses, and slow the aging process. Blood type O, in which O stands for origin, is the most common one. These people tend to move a lot and are meat eaters. They should be physically active and avoid grains, dairy products, and legumes, food that makes them gain weight. Here are some of the diet principles.

Blood Type O dieters should eat small quantities of lean meat. In general, red meat, seafood, liver, laminar (an algae), and vegetables such as spinach help them lose weight. Nuts and grains may be avoided for rapid weight loss. Whole wheat is a problem food. This diet comes with a long list of foods to eat and foods to avoid. Even among the favored food groups such as fish and vegetables there are plenty of items to avoid. For example, stay away from cabbage, potatoes, corn, black olives, eggplant, avocados, and regular and shiitake mushrooms. Good choices include leafy green vegetables, garlic, beets, turnips, onions, sweet potatoes, parsnips, red peppers, leeks, dandelions, horseradish, and Jerusalem artichokes. You should probably take vitamin B, calcium, and small quantities of iodine supplements. Clearly you won’t be able to follow this diet without a book. Three times a week perform cardiovascular exercise such as walking, bicycling, or swimming.

This review of the Blood Type O Diet continues on my website, including two Blood Type O Diet Meal Plans