Monday, September 19, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Beverly Hills Diet

Diet Plans And Menus - The Beverly Hills Diet: The Beverly Hills Diet is also known as the Hollywood Diet because of the number of movie stars who followed it. This diet lasts 4 to 6 weeks and may provide 400 calories a day. If that doesn’t set off danger signals, I don’t know what will. The first phase lasts three weeks. During the first week you only eat fruit and must absolutely respect the selected foods for the given day. This is a detoxification week. During the next two weeks you progressively reintegrate foods. The second phase lasts two weeks and leads to a balanced diet. The final phase lasts one week. You are even allowed pizza and popcorn but don’t overdo it. Here are some of the principles.

Respect the given menus, to the letter. During Phase 1 every day has its own specified food or fruits. For example, the very first day of the diet you are allowed pineapple and two bananas. On the third day of week three you eat zucchini in the morning, green beans and mushrooms at noon, and broccoli or cauliflower at supper. Phase 2 is also very well defined. For example, you start the day with two tablespoons of untreated bran and an unsweetened hot drink. Then wait 45 minutes for breakfast. You’ll need a book to get the full list of foods, day by day.

This review of the Beverly Hills Diet along with two menu plans continues on my website.

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