The vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry...
Some vegetarians do not eat eggs or dairy products while others do. A vegan diet excludes all animal products. Lacto-vegetarians consume dairy products but not eggs, ovo-vegetarians consume eggs but not dairy products, and lacto-ovo-vegetarians consume both eggs and dairy products. Some vegetarians reject products using animal ingredients such as cheeses employing animal rennet, which is gelatin made from animal skin, bones, and connective tissue. Other no-nos include cane sugar and alcohol prepared with animal, fish, or seafood products.
There are several reasons that people become vegetarians or vegans. The major one is animal rights. Many vegetarians are quite concerned about the environment. After all, it takes eight pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat. Cattle burping is a major source of methane gas that pound for pound has a greater impact on the greenhouse effect than does carbon dioxide.
This review of the Vegetarian Diet continues on our website.
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