Popular Diets - The Pescetarian Diet: Pescetarianism is a diet in which a person eats any combination of vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans and fish or seafood, but does not eat mammals or birds...
Some pescetarians eat eggs and dairy products, while others do not. The most recent Merriam-Webster Inc.’s dictionary includes a new entry pescetarian, which they define as a "vegetarian whose diet includes fish." The word itself blends the Italian word “pesce” which means fish and the English word "vegetarian". Most vegetarians do not eat fish and will not consider pescetarians to be true vegetarians in spite of any dictionary or word origin.
Some pescetarians see their diet as a sort of halfway house on the way to becoming a vegetarian or even going vegan. They choose not to “go all the way” in one fell swoop. Many people believe that eating fish is healthier than eating meat, which contains high levels of saturated fats. Eating some kinds of fish can raise your HDL (high-density lipoproteins) levels, and remember that another name for HDL is “good cholesterol.” Some people claim that HDL protects against cardiovascular diseases. Another benefit of eating fish, especially oily fish, is the increase in omega-3 fatty acids, said by many to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer, in particular breast, colon, and prostate cancer. On the dark side, fish may contain toxins such as mercury and PCBs.
This review of the Pescetarian Diet continues on my website.
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