Popular Diets - The Inuit Diet: - Sent using Google Toolbar
The Inuit are an Artic people who inhabit parts of Canada, Greenland, Russia, and the United States...
Their diet is based on foods that they hunt, fish, or gather. This diet is particularly suited to the challenges they face in such a difficult climate.
The major component of the Inuit diet is seal meat. The seals include harp seal, harbor seal, and ringed seals. Seals need to breathe air. When they break through the ice to get air they are vulnerable to hunters armed with harpoons. Walrus are usually hunted in the winter and spring. Because of their great size the walrus hunt is a group effort. A mature Bowhead whale may weigh over 150 tons. That’s a lot of blubber. One such whale can feed a community for almost a year. The young whales are safer to hunt than the adults and are said to have tastier skin. The harpoon is the preferred weapon for Bowhead whale hunting.
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