Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Popular Diets - The Macrobiotic Diet

Popular Diets - The Macrobiotic Diet:
The term macrobiotic diet (also known as macrobiotics), comes from the Greek words "macro" meaning large or long and "bios" meaning life...

A macrobiotic diet is one based on eating grains supplemented with natural foods such as vegetables and beans. This diet rejects highly processed and refined foods.

Hippocrates, the founder of western medicine, was the first person to use the term macrobiotics in describing long-lived, healthy people. Other classical writers including Aristotle employed this term. The macrobiotic way of life was a part of many traditional cultures including the Incas, the Chinese, and the Japanese. But it became popular in North America only towards the end of the 1950s.

This review of the Macrobiotic Diet continues on my website.

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